Thursday, July 8, 2010

Mama's Freak Out

Drew has a "boo boo" on his ankle.  Really it's where a mosquito bit him.  I guess I should start at the beginning of this story.

...I must warn you, this story was not written to have the typical build up to a climax that stories are suppose to have, this story was written to show you how badly I can handle some things as a mama.  I never said I wasn't overly dramatic about my own personal fears.  I try not to transfer that over to my own children, but sometimes I just can't help it...

About a week ago, Drew woke up and said he had a boo boo on his ankle.  When I looked at it, it was swollen a bit.  He said he hit it on his bed.  I decided to just keep an eye on it since he could walk on it and it didn't seem to bother him one bit.
About an hour later I asked him if I could look at it again to check on it.  When I looked this time it was "weeping" and I could actually see a puncture!  On top of that it had swelled so much that this ankle hardly had any shape to it.  I tried to act "cool" so that he would respond to that.  He was still pretty much unaffected by it so I didn't want that to change.
But, I was still scared to pieces.  Everyone and anyone who knows me knows that I'm the BIGGEST ninny when it comes to bugs, so to see a bug bite on my child is bad enough, but when it's swollen, weeping,  and turning red around it (thank goodness no red lines up to his body, I knew enough to check for that) it really scared me.
I ran out of the room, out of earshot from Drew and immediately called the doctor.
They did want to see him so they scheduled an appointment later that afternoon.  It made me feel a little better that they didn't want me to rush him over to the ER or even see him in the office immediately.  But I was still very scared.  I was shaking and couldn't stop.  My legs were like spaghetti so I wouldn't even go around Drew.  Again, I didn't want him to know I was freaking out.
 I'm pretty confident when it comes to bangs and bruises.  I usually don't flip out about things that happen to the kids because I know they are kids and things are going to happen.  I also know that they are quite resilient.  But bug bites are different (and all I could think of was spider bites and some of the creepy shows I've watched on the Discovery Channel.... darn that Discovery Channel!)
Well, I did some laundry, cleaned the kitchen so that it was sparkling, and straightened up the toys.  This is a typical response of a southern woman.  It's been said that we tend to prepare for the worst.  We clean our houses before we leave for vacations just in case something happens and someone needs to come in without us.  Well, I took the same approach before I went to this doctor's appointment.  I was so freaked out that I was prepared to be in the hospital by Drew's side for days-on-end.  I know, I know... horrible, but again, I didn't let him know this at all.  He was probably wondering why his mama was ignoring him all morning.  Look, I never said I handled this well!!!
Well, to get to the point (which I haven't done very well up to this point) we went to the doctor's.  As she was looking him over, listening to his heart and breathing, looking him over up and down, he was focused on the decor of the room.  We were in the Ann Geddes room and he just wanted to count all of the "hidden babies" as he called them.  That was a pretty good indicator to the doctor that he was feeling pretty good.  She ran some tests on him (she wanted to rule out MRSA).
Well, it ended up being a mosquito bite that he scratched and got infected!
I know I know.... quite anticlimactic!  Thanks goodness.  I felt like such a nut-job!

He's on an antibiotic to keep the infection at bay.  You can read the real story that I started and meant to tell about this HERE.

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