Tuesday, December 23, 2008

To Have and To Fold

Well, the shopping has been done (I have to pat myself on the back and say that it's been done for a while),  and most of the gifts have been wrapped.  Every night I've been working away at it.  It's kind of been my little time of relaxation and crafting.  I really enjoy it.  It's been a little challenging this year considering that I have been sitting on the floor for at least an hour per night and I am quite large (I'm actually full term now..... can you believe!?!)  but it's well worth it.  I took a picture of the gifts that I wrapped last night and the night before, most of the other gifts have already gone out to family and friends.  I wish I would have had it together enough to have them all done at the same time to look at all of them together.  Oh well.  It's always a "work in progress" right up until Christmas Eve night.  One of my favorites this year were the little jars of Reindeer food that I gave away to all of my friends with young children.  They were adorable!  I love all of the ribbons and tags and really making the jars look custom.  It was a fun project.  I really can't wait to make ours with Drew on Christmas Eve.  This will be one of my favorite traditions.  Maybe we'll get lucky enough one year to see the sugar glitter atop of snow.  Who knows.  
The gift that I most look forward to, though, will not be wrapped this year.  "Hanta" will be bringing Drew a tricycle this year..... Harley Davidson, no doubt.  That is, if Drew has been a good boy and made it onto Santa's Nice List.  This is the first gift that we will experience as parents that will be waiting to surprise Drew under the tree Christmas morning.  Colin and I are really looking forward to that.

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