Sunday, May 3, 2009

Relay For Life

Relay for Life had a great turn-out.  We pulled it all off.  Mary, Melinda, and I met our deadline with our cookies in tow.  Mary's daddy was so great too, he met Crystal on Friday to set up the booth with his tents, tables, and coolers full of cold drinks to sell.  Mary, being the champ that she is, went right after school and stayed through the night.  Now with it all said and done, we actually made a good bit of money for the cause. It feels great!
It was a bit hectic for me though.  Colin had gone to Quail Hollow that day to watch non other than Tiger Woods play golf, and so I was on my own with the kids.  So off I went with Emma in my pouch, and Drew in the stroller (he actually stayed in it for the walk to the booth).  Once I was at the booth, everyone came to my rescue.... mainly Sadie.  She and Drew thought it was so much fun to play in the coolers and drinks.  Hey, whatever makes them happy.  Then Drew was in heaven... Mama Horton fed Drew ice cream (that Mary's daddy gave him).  Drew has always loved her, but now he really really loves her.
We saw lots of students, current and old.  It always amazes me how fast they grow.  The first group of kids that I taught here are about to be juniors in high school!!!!  I can't believe they are driving!  I love to see them and this is always a place where we do.  It is always neat to get caught up with them.  
It was a fun evening.  But Emma had had enough.  Our booth was near the stage and I think the music was a bit much for her young ears.  So no sooner than Colin got there, we were leaving.
Next year, when the kids are older, we should be able to enjoy the time more, and Mary.... hopefully I will be more of a help!

Drew was checking out the drink situation.

Sadie was so cute in her pink overalls.

Sadie is just a good ol' American girl enjoying a Coke (of course it's not open)

You know it's good ice cream when it ends up all over you!

Carter and Kilee came by too and played with Drew. Kilee was so concerned for Emma and all of the loud noise. Cammie and I had a good chuckle about that.

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